Pilates is About…Possibilities

In my early years of Pilates training I was working with people who had criticisms of the original work.  One such criticism echos in my head all these years later especially these days as I’m performing some Pilates exercises that are less commonly performed:  regular people can’t do all the exercises.  What follows out of that criticism is invention of new more “accessible” exercises and a dilution of the original work.

As I was working out one day this week, paying special attention to my personal body issues with every move that I made, I realized that the only reason I can do these moves is because I want to.  Were I to ask the advice of certain people I would most likely be advised not to.  Which reminded me about one of my favorite things about Pilates, it’s all about what is possible.  And there is always more that is possible than is impossible.

I got to where I am on this Pilates Body journey of mine by focusing on what I could do and always finding ways to do more.  And there are ways, for any person, with any set of limitations, there are ways.  The will is the important ingredient.  The will to live ones dreams, the will to follow inspiration, the will to continue pushing the frontier of possibility forward.  Pilates is all about Possibilities.

Pilates has taught me so much and I look forward to all that it will teach me in the future.  For now I’m grateful for this pearl of wisdom (I will always think of Trish Garland when I use that sweet phrase):

Real people can do whatever they believe is possible.

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