Happy Halloween!

Our garbage collecting boy heads out for his first trick-or-treat experience in just a couple hours.  Great fun awaits us!
Happy Halloween!  2013Halloween is by far my favorite holiday as a crafter.  Sure, there’s Christmas and Valentine’s Day, but something about conceiving of and making a costume from scratch really appeals to me.  I have some sort of code of conduct as a mom which dictates that my child must have a costume every year, and that it may only be store-bought in the most extreme circumstances.  Last year our boy got his first superhero costume to match my own – that was before he had a choice in the matter.  But this year I knew that I’d have to be a bit more cooperative since he could very well refuse to wear something if it weren’t to his liking, after all that nearly happened last year with his super-baby suit.  So a garbage man vest seemed like the perfect thing.  I was able to put it together in about two hours and he is so very happy to have the suit to outfit him while he performs one of his favorite tasks.

Here’s to an evening of Happy Haunting!

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